International Symposium and Annual meeting 2022

We look forward to welcome you to the 1st International Symposium on Circulating Tumor DNA and the Annual Meeting in the Danish National Center for Circulating Tumor DNA Guided Cancer Treatment


Registration for the International Symposium and the Annual Meeting in DCCC ctDNA Research Center is now closed. 
Note that participation is free and inkludes meals - but the registration is binding, and if you don’t show, and have not unregistered at least 14 days before the meeting, we will have to charge a no show fee.

The International Symposium is open for everyone involved or interested in ctDNA guided cancer treatment.



The programs for the International Symposium and the Annual Meeting is to be found here (The programs will be updated regularily):

During the two days you can find the posters in the Theater Room - feel free to take a look at them in the breaks. 
On the 14th of November from 17:15-18:30 (in the afternoon) the official poster session



Practical information



It will take place on the 14-15th of November 2022

  • November 14 2022: The 1st International Symposium with talks updating us on ctDNA research internationally
  • November 15 2022: The Annual Meeting in the ctDNA center and the meeting in the Steering Committee will take place

The symposium and annual meeting are held at HUONE (read more about HUONE here)
The adress is: Amager Strandvej 390, 2770 Kastrup, Copenhagen, Denmark.

HUONE is placed 10 minutes walk from Kastrup Airport.
Please find information about arrival and parking at the bottom of this page: Arrival information
(The center will not cover transport)

HUONE is a huge conferencecenter, and the events will take place in the following locations at HUONE:
Festival Room: International Symposium
Strand Room: Annual Meeting
Theater Room: Poster session

Find the floor plan here: Floor plan


Registration the 14th of November 2022:

When you arrive on November 14 you must register your arrival between 09:00-10:00 am.
I will be welcoming you at a registration table, where you will get the program and a nametag. It will be possible to get a snack before we begin at 10:00 am.

If you bring a poster, you must put it up just after registration. I have pins for the purpose.


Meals and coffee:

The meals are included in the registration. 
The meals will be at HUONE in their catering areas - more precisely information will follow. 

Coffee, tea, and water is available from stations around HUONE - one is placed just outside the Festival Room.

During the poster session there will be served one beverage pr. person from the DCCC ctDNA Center, and it will be possible to buy more. 

In the registration you expressed dietary requirements - if you didn't and need to, write to Anne Lorentzen (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) as soon as possible.

Networking Dinner:

In the evening on Monday 14 November, we will have the Networking Dinner for invited speakers and the members of the DCCC ctDNA center that signed up for the dinner at registration.

The dinner is at HUONE in the Mezzanine Lounge.



HUONE provides secure wireless connections. Just look for the network called HUONE Guest.


Poster size:

Poster size: max.: W.: 92 cm, H.: 138 cm

The posters will be in the Theater Room and you can look at them in every break.
Between 05:15-06:30 pm on the 14th of November the official poster session will be held.


Hotel - Overnight accomodation:

In the registration you had the opportunity to express your need for a room at hotel Scandic CPH Strandpark if you participate in both days (Cost are covered by the ctDNA center and only availbale for members of the DCCC ctDNA center).

The hotel is Scandic CPH Strandpark and is located just 5 minutes walk from HUONE. 
Find more information about the hotel here: Scandic CPH Strandpark

Check-in: from 3 pm
Check-out: Before 12:00 (noon)
For the sake of the program we kindly ask you to check-in in the end of the poster session from 6:15-7:00 pm.
The hotel will be ready to check everyone in.

Breaksfast will be at the hotel from 6:00 am.

It is possible to leave your luggage at the hotel as the wardrobe at HUONE is small and do not have space for everyone to store their luggage there.



About the International Symposium


The purpose of the symposium is to focus on the possibilities of clinical application of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in guided cancer treatment. The presentations at the symposium will be about the clinical application of ctDNA in breast cancer, skin cancer, colorectal cancer, bladder cancer, and anal cancer. Thematically the presentations will cover cancer screening, selection of patients to chemotherapy, monitoring of response to chemotherapy, and early detection of recurrence. There will be presentations about new technology for ctDNA detection, which place new standards and open new possibilities for clinical application.

With the International Symposium everyone with an interest in using ctDNA based analysis for monitoring and decision making are brought together to facilitate ctDNA based research and clinical implementation of ctDNA guided patient stratification. The objective of DCCC ctDNA Research Center is to provide an effective and vital framework for optimal implementation of evidence-based ctDNA usage in cancer patient management in Denmark. National and international collaboration are a way to reacht this objective.

The symposium is organized by The Danish National Center for Circulating Tumor DNA Guided Cancer Treatment, and the organizing committee consists of:

  • Professor Lars Dyrskjøt, Department of Molecular Medicine, Aarhus University/Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, DK
  • Professor Claus Lindbjerg Andersen, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University/Aarhus University, Aarhus, DK
  • Consultant, Oncologist Morten Mau Sørensen, Dept. of Oncology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen DK



Contact information

Feel free to take contact to the center, if you have any questions:

Anne Lærke Lorentzen, Scientific Coordinator
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +45 78 45 53 39




Thank you to The Danish Cancer Society for supporting the symposium
