Unlocking center support


All resources in the center are aligned with its national foundation. This page provides you with an overview of resources, facilities and support available in the center, all designed to assist you in your ctDNA research, whether on a national basis or not. Additionally, our aim is to foster a national collaborative environment where research can leverage from each other's expertise. 

Contact the center if you are interested in hearing more about the resources.

Relevant links

Helpful links for starting a national study



When starting a national study there is a lot of paperwork regarding legal permissions, collaboration agreements, approval of protocols, establishment of infrastructures etc. These links are a great place to begin.

Bio-and Genome Bank Denmark (RBGB)

A joint point of entry to biological material for the benefit of better prevention in health care and treatment of future patients. The aim is to create a joint infrastructure within the field of biobanks.

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Danish National Center for Ethics (NVK)

The purpose of the health research ethics committee system is to ensure that from a research ethical point of view, health projects are carried out in a responsible manner.

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Danske Multidisciplinære Cancer Grupper (DMCG)

DMCG is an association of Danish Multidisciplinary Cancer Groups, which, among other things, works on the operation of clinical databases, development of clinical guidelines, and the promotion of knowledge dissemination and research across the field of cancer.

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Exploring center facilities

How can the center help you in your project?



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With the focus on collecting publications, share projects, and compile information in one place, the center becomes a valuable source of inspiration and new ideas. Let yourself emerge into the list of publications, get inspiration from other clinical trials, and explore the possibilities of the center.

See the clinical projects here

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The center connects clinicians and researchers from different scientific backgrounds within the field of ctDNA research, making the network multidisciplinary. This dynamic network serves as a platform for the exchange of ideas, feedback and collaboration. The center facilitates this interconnected network by fostering connections and actively engaging participants in various events.

See the calendar here

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Knowledge base

The center is the leading knowledge base in the field of ctDNA research. With a commitment to national collaboration, the center serves as a hub for clinicians and researchers, pooling expertise and resources - and fostering a multidisciplinary approach. This valuable knowledge base is accessible for sharing. If you require expert assistance, reach out to the center, and we will guide you forward.

Reach out to the center

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Education and dissemination

We organize a range of webinars, workshops and courses to disseminate and share knowledge across different aspects of ctDNA research. Recurring annually are events such as the Annual Meeting, PhD course in digital PCR, and PhD course providing an introduction to ctDNA. Explore the calendar to stay informed about upcoming events.

See the calendar here


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Seed money

The center is dedicated to fostering national collaboration, breaking down barriers and initiating new trials in ctDNA guided cancer treatment and therefore provides seed money for national projects within the ctDNA field. We anticipate that through this funding opportunity, we enhance national knowledge sharing, accelerate the implementation of research findings in clinical settings, and support evidence-based research.

See the current call here


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Technical experts (NI and CFA)

The center features 5 national infrastructures, each equipped with expertise and knowledge to assist you. Seek guidance on the best practices for liquid biopsy collection and pre-analytical processing, explore methods for ctDNA detection, receive support in bioinformatic procedures, or get assistance with health economic calculations. Additional information can be found on the center’s webpage.

Read more about the NIs and CFAs here


Tapping into specific guidance

Technical support



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NI1 makes guidelines to ensure uniform and high quality of plasma to ensure comparable results within and between trials. Find SOP and other guidelines in the center.

The SOP is continuously revised. The SOP is prepared by Regionernes Bio-og Genombank (RBGB).

Danish: SOP for blodprøvehåndtering ved ctDNA analyse RBGB


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Health economy guidance

Liza Sopina from DaCHE University of Southern Denmark supports projects to integrate economic evaluation into their study design and funding applications.

Contact her for support and input: 
Liza Sopina

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Guidance in dPCR

Is digital PCR a part of your project but are you not an expert yet? Professor Niels Pallisgaard from NI2 is ready to introduce you to digital PCR at Næstved Sygehus.

Contact Niels Pallisgaard

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Reference material

The reference material includes relevant mutations from human cancers and frequent used medicaments. Further, the material spans over a wide noise profile and different types of mutations.

Read more about the reference material here

Are you interested in the reference material? Contact Mads Heilskov Rasmussen and Maria Hønholt Jørgensen

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Database on ddPCR ctDNA assays

The database will contain information about PCR conditions, primer and probe sequences and concentrations, available controls, LoB and LoD, and much more. The information is a collection of assays from ctDNA laboratories across the country. The assays will be available for the ctDNA Center laboratories for free, except for the transportation costs.

The database is not open and ready yet.

Read more about the database here

Are you interested in the database? Contact Niels Pallisgaard and Malene Green Madsen

Recurring activities


Annual cycle of activities



Annually, the ctDNA Center extends an invitation to the Annual Meeting, consistently held in the third week of November. The primary objective of this gathering is to provide an update on the center's research, activities, and projects, fostering the reinforcement of current collaborations and the establishment of new ones. This event serves as an excellent opportunity to network with professionals in the ctDNA field. The meeting is primarily for center members, creating an ideal environment for sharing ideas and insghts, encouraging fruitful discussions and feedback.

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In May, we present a course centered on the biology and characteristic of circulating cell free DNA and circulating tumor DNA in both health and disease. This serves as an introduction to the ctDNA field, intending to equip students with the qualifications to undertake ctDNA based research projects.

In October, we provide a course on digital PCR, combining theoretical teachings on the principles of dPCR with a practical emphasis on hands-on experience in the laboratory.

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On the last Thursday of every month (excluding summer and December), we organize the online Journal Club. This meeting provides a platform to discuss a chosen article, offering an opportunity to stay updated on current literature and engage in conversations regarding ctDNA-guided cancer treatment. The article is chosen by a representative from various locations across Denmark. Join us for insightful discussions and stay informed on the latest developments in the field.

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The Seminar Series features a variety of seminars covering topics related to ctDNA-guided cancer treatment and themes in ctDNA research. These sessions may include presentations on specific ctDNA research themes or workshops where you can actively contribute and acquire new skills.

If you have any specific themes in mind, please feel free to reach out to us with your suggestions – we welcome your input!

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The National Infrastructures lead various projects aimed at fortifying the foundation of ctDNA analysis and research. In this context, the center extends an invitation to participate in these projects to make it a national collaboration and effort.

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Find the contact information to the center here



Science Center Skejby, MOMA
Brendstrupgårdsvej 21, build. A
8200 Aarhus N