Online meeting

The new dPCR Assay Database

Niels Pallisgaard and Malene Green Madsen from NI2 invites you to a workshop about the dPCR assay database!

The meeting will focus on a presentation about the purpose and the first draft of the database - followed by a discussion about the need of information and structure of the database.


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28 September 2023
14:00 - 15:00

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Link will be provided by mail

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Anyone interested in the topic from the DCCC ctDNA Research Center. 


Niels Pallisgaard and Malene Green Madsen from NI2 are building a database with the ddPCR assay information described below. The information is a collection of assays from ctDNA laboratories around the country. The assays will be available for the ctDNA Center laboratories for free, except for the transportation costs.

An assay database will save time, money, and work when an assay in the database is needed in ddPCR in the detection and monitoring of clinical samples. As the database grows the ctDNA laboratories will need to develop and validate fewer and fewer assays over time, thus saving resources.

Information included in the database:

  1. Contact lab(s) who have used the assay
  2. PCR conditions
  3. Primer and probe sequences and concentrations (if known)
  4. Available controls
  5. Picture of 2D plot
  6. LoB and LoD if available
  7. Traffic light scoring (red: only used a few times in a single lab, yellow: used in several labs, green: widely used

The workshop:

We invite you to a workshop, where we will:

  • Talk about the purpose of the database
  • Present the first draft of the database
  • Discuss the information on and the structure of the database – is there a need for additional information?

Seminar leaders:

National Infrastructure 2 (NI2):

  • Niels Pallisgaard, Professor, Department of Pathology, Zealand University Hospital
  • Malene Green Madsen, Department of Pathology, Zealand University Hospital


Contact Anne Lorentzen
Phone: +45 78 45 53 39



Science Center Skejby, MOMA
Brendstrupgårdsvej 21, build. A
8200 Aarhus N