Annual meeting 2023

We look forward to the Annual Meeting in the Danish National Center for Circulating Tumor DNA Guided Cancer Treatment in 2023!


Registration for the Annual Meeting in DCCC ctDNA Research Center is now closed. 

NB! Participation is free and inkludes meals - but the registration is binding, and if you don’t show, and have not unregistered at least 14 days before the meeting, we will have to charge a no show fee.

The Annual Meeting is open for every member/participant of the center (i.e. this is an internal meeting and not for companies and people from our international collaborations).


The program is to be found here

 During the two days you are free to take a look at the posters - and on November 13 from 16:00 - 17:30 we will have the official poster session.

Practical information


The Annual Meeting will take place 13-14 November 2023 

When you arrive on November 13 between 09:00 - 10:00, you will get a nametag and a program for the day - and it will be possible to get a snack before we begin at 10:00.


The Annual Meeting will be held in Aarhus at Scandic Aarhus C (read more about Scandic Aarhus C here).
The address is: Østergade 10, 8000 Aarhus C.

Scandic Aarhus C is placed in a walking distance from the main train station in Aarhus - just 700 meter. 
Read about parking opportunities here: Parking Scandic
(The center will not cover transport)

Hotel - Overnight accomodation:

In the registration you ca register for a room at Hotel Scandic Aarhus C.
Cost are covered by DCCC ctDNA Research Center and an offer for people who travel from outside Århus.

Poster size:

A1 (W: 594 x H: 841)

When you arrive you must put up your poster, so it will be possible for the participants to take a look at them during the two days. 
The official Poster Session is November 13 from 16:00 - 17:30.


The meals are included in the registration and will be served at Scandic Aarhus C. 

In the registration you expressed dietary requirements - if you didn't and need to, write to Anne Lorentzen ( as soon as possible.

In the evening on Monday 13 November, we will have the Networking Dinner.
Sign up for the dinner in the registration.


Be aware that the meeting will be photographed and the pictures may be used in connection to coverage of the meeting. 
In connection to portrait pictures, the involved will be asked for accept of potential use.

About the Annual Meeting:

Every year the DCCC ctDNA Research Center invites to an annual meeting in the center – this is always held in the third week of November. The purpose of the meeting is to get an update on the activities, events, and projects in the center – and to strengthen existing collaborations and create new ones.

At the meeting everyone can share the newest insights on ctDNA guided cancer treatment from their projects. There will be room for feedback and discussions in a closed forum where no one will leak preliminary results to the outside world – thus an opportunity to have a closed discussion in the benefit of the research of ctDNA.

The goal with the meeting:

  • Meet each other across the country and strengthen the collaboration
  • Get updated on the activities, events, and projects
  • Get inspired, help, and feedback in this closed forum

Contact information

Feel free to contact the center, if you have any questions:

Anne Lærke Lorentzen, Scientific Coordinator
Phone: +45 78 45 53 39



Science Center Skejby, MOMA
Brendstrupgårdsvej 21, build. A
8200 Aarhus N